Friday, February 10, 2012

Don't Look Back

A few days ago I was thinking about how much I love my art and how much I love to bake and how blessed I feel to be able to work daily at something I love so much.  Then my mind wandered back to childhood, taking art classes and then stopping.  And my mind went back 15 years to when I first began to bake and decorate cakes and shortly after starting I stopped to focus on earning my living at other things.  I began to feel a deep sense of regret of all the time wasted when I could have been developing my skills and how much farther along I would be if I had continued to study and practice with no interruptions.  I almost began to feel defeated.  In an instant, God placed an image in my mind of Lot's wife turning her head to gaze back over her shoulder and huge neon words flashed behind my eyes.  "DON'T LOOK BACK!"  It was almost as if He was yelling those words at me so I would pay attention.
Then this morning I was reading in the 4th Chapter of Psalms.  God tells us to keep our gaze fixed directly ahead of us and not to sway to the right or to the left.  Again..... don't look back!
What an awesome God we serve that he is so faithful to open our minds to what we need right when we need it, if we let Him.
ThankYou Father for a great day.

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